May 16, 2020 (or Really any day in may)
The world seemed to come to a standstill, running shoes were hung on the wall instead of medals, races were cancelled and friendships seemed to have vanished overnight…until the LONER RELAY came to the rescue. What? How so? How to practice social distancing while running with your friend your so desperately miss? YES, you actually miss the stink, the sweat and the whining.
May 16, 2020 or whenever
I mean…you are just sitting at home anyways.
Secure a team of desperate to run nitwits hanging on to the idea of running together. Like a real live in person race, we are getting this shindig started at 7am. Let’s save the annoying relay wave starts and just hit the pavement out your front door. The first runner posts the start of the relay with a sexy selfie and tags our #RunSuperSeries FB page and IG. You and a team of run holes will take turns running relay legs of 5 miles each, until you hit 50, 100 or 200 miles. Can you run them together or simultaneously? NOPE. Can you take naps and finish eventually? YES! Your living room won’t judge you and your van will appreciate the break this year from sweaty bums.
Take your isolated lonesome turn by tagging your next runner and #runsuperseries to know when you can “exchange”. We encourage poor taste in team names, silly costumes to make your neighbors consider calling the psych ward, and other insane charades to ensure a super good time. FB live is also encouraged. We don't care how many of you run, just as long as you’re a loner.
Your Race Directors think this is a terrible idea.
That’s why we are going to do the Loner Relay too.
What Do You Get (Swag!)
1: Your neighbors think you are a nut
2: You ran a (real) race?
3: A medal
4: A shirt
5: A lifetime of virtual memories with your running besties
6: Do you really want us to mail a banana?
How It Works (The Rules)
1. Pick your relay distance, we have 50M, 100M and 200M options
2. Set your team size...actually we don't really care! You can have 2 people, or 10 people. Or you can run it solo. Get as many cool kids as you want to complete the distance. This is all just for fun. We recommend team sizes of 2, 5, or 10 for the 50M, 2, 4, 5, or 10 for the 100M, and 2, 4, 5, 10 or 20 for the 200M.
3. The distance for every leg is 5 miles, so you will "tag" your next runner after you complete five mile legs and they will start running. So say you are running the 50M relay, with a team of 5 people. Runner 1 will go run their five mile run and "tag" runner 2 virtually when they finish. Runner 2 goes out, finishes their five miles, and then tags runner 3, and so-on. This will then repeat for the 2nd 25 miles, so each runner runs 2 five mile legs spaced apart.
4. You will have 38 hours to complete the relay (this means your team can take breaks as needed!). The start time is 7AM Pacific on Saturday, May 16th, and the end time is 9PM Pacific on Sunday, May 17th.
5. The team captain will be responsible for collecting all data, and submitting team results upon completion of the event. We will provide you with an electronic form for results submission in the race instructions. 6. When submitting results, you will submit the overall elapsed time, meaning the amount of time it took you from start to finish including all stops and breaks. Dead time is not free my friends.
Can We Relay A Different Day
Short Answer: Yes! Your team is still subject to the 38 hour maximum allowed however (you must finish in 38 elapsed hours from your start).
Long Answer: We'd really love you to relay on May 16, so we can all run alone together. But, understanding that we all have different schedules, you and your team can choose to take this challenge on any day from May 16th to May 31st. We will finalize all results in early June.